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Honey Oath



Money, Suger, Red coloring agent (made from purple potato), Beehive, Video(4min), 

Honey oath Concept

Nectar color

The Araña Caves depicts the “(Woman) Man of Bicorp"  who climbing a tree and collecting beehives. For about 10,000 years, humans have reached for a nests on trees and risked trying to obtain their sacred food, "honey."

Bees have been treated as messengers of the Mother goddess in ancient beliefs by their mysterious socialite, the act of pollination, and the golden nectar they produce.
Even after Egypt, when beekeeping technology was born, it was the job of the priests to manage the bees. Over a long period of time,  people have developed techniques to tame bees, which are supposed to be "the goddess of fertility"s messengers, and Bees also lean to living with humans as a Species.


And now, honeybees are declining from the world due to repeated mysterious mass mortality due to artificial pollination, pesticides, air pollution, and excessive breed improvement.

It is said that more than one-third of the world's food will not be produced without pollination by honeybees, but will we create an alternative to honeybees? or will they perish with honeybees?

In ancient times, those who belonged to God decided to live with us humans sometime in the past. Becoming a human livestock would have promised the survival of the species. Did we break our promise?Becoming a human livestock would have promised the survival of the species. Did we break our promise?

Bees can no longer live in the wild. We too cannot live without bees. Then can we start to build a gentler relationship?


This work is one of the works born from a long-term project in which the artist himself actually raises bees from 2016.

Beekeepers feed a group of bees during the winter with melted and hardened sugar called candy in the winter when the flowers do not bloom. In this work, a red coloring agent (made from purple potato pigment that is not harmful to bees) is added to the candy, and the bees are made to remember the place and eat as food. Since the bees are the messenger of the goddess of fertility in ancient thought, the shape of the candy takes the form of the ancient statue of the Earth Mother, "Venus of Willendorf". Bees go to the statue of a goddess found in nature by ancient people every day and eat it. There is my intervention and the traces appear as honey. Is the trace only the color of nectar?  Projecting the relationship between me and my bees on the relationship between people and bees, while feeling the subtle changes in the relationship that has existed and that will surely occur in the future...

アラニアの洞窟には木に登って蜂の巣を採取している「蜂蜜を採取する人」が描かれている。約 10,000 年前から 人類は木の上の巣に手を伸ばし、危険を冒して、その聖なる食べ物「蜂蜜」を手に入れようとした。 
ミツバチはその神秘的な社会性と、受粉という行為、作り出す黄金の蜜によって、古代信仰において地母神の使いで あり、神聖な生き物として扱われてきた。養蜂技術が生まれたエジプト以降の時代も、ミツバチを管理するのは聖職者たちの仕事だった。そうして長い時間をかけて人々は実りの使いとしてのミツバチを飼いならす技術を発展させていき、またミツバチも人間と生きることを種として覚えていった。

養蜂家は花の咲かない冬になると越冬中のミツバチの群にキャンディーと呼ばれる砂糖を溶かして固めた餌を与える。今作はキャンディーに赤い着色料を加え、ミツバチに場所を覚えさせ、餌として食べさせる。ミツバチが古代思想において豊穣の女神の使いであることから、キャンディーの形は古代の地母神像である「ヴィレンドルフのヴィーナス」の型を取る。 古代の人々が自然の中に見出した女神像の元にミツバチが毎日通い、それを食べて行く。そこには私の介入ががあり、 その痕跡がハチミツとなって現れる。痕跡は密の色だけなのだろうか。 人とミツバチの関係、私と私のミツバチの関係を重ねて、今までの関係と、これからきっと起こるわずかな関係の変化を感じながら。 

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